List group

List groups are a flexible and powerful component for displaying a series of content. List group items can be modified to support just about any content within. They can also be used as navigation via various props.

  <b-list-group-item>Cras justo odio</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item>Dapibus ac facilisis in</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item>Morbi leo risus</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item>Porta ac consectetur ac</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item>Vestibulum at eros</b-list-group-item>

<!-- b-list-group.vue -->

Active items

Set the active prop on a <b-list-group-item> to indicate the current active selection.

  <b-list-group-item>Cras justo odio</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item active>Dapibus ac facilisis in</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item>Morbi leo risus</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item>Porta ac consectetur ac</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item>Vestibulum at eros</b-list-group-item>

<!-- b-list-group-active.vue -->

Disabled items

Set the disabled prop on a <b-list-group-item> to make it appear disabled (also works with actionalable items. see below).

  <b-list-group-item disabled>Cras justo odio</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item>Dapibus ac facilisis in</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item>Morbi leo risus</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item disabled>Porta ac consectetur ac</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item>Vestibulum at eros</b-list-group-item>

<!-- b-list-group-disabled.vue -->

Actionable list group items

Turn a <b-list-group-item> into an actionable link (<a href="...">) by specifying either an href prop or router-link to prop.

  <b-list-group-item href="#some-link">Awesome link</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item href="#" active>Link with active state</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item href="#">Action links are easy</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item href="#foobar" disabled>Disabled link</b-list-group-item>

<!-- b-list-group-link.vue -->

Or if you prefer <button> elements over links, set the button prop to true.

  <b-list-group-item button>Button item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item button>I am a button</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item button disabled>Disabled button</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item button>This is a button too</b-list-group-item>

<!-- b-list-group-button.vue -->


  • When the prop button is true, all link related props (other than active) and the tag prop will have no effect.
  • When href or to are set, the tag prop has no effect.

Refer to the Router support reference page for router-link specific props.

Contextual variants

Use contextual variants to style list items with a stateful background and color, via the variant prop.

  <b-list-group-item>Default list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item variant="primary">Primary list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item variant="secondary">Secondary list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item variant="success">Success list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item variant="danger">Danger list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item variant="warning">Warning list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item variant="info">Info list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item variant="light">Light list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item variant="dark">Dark list group item</b-list-group-item>

<!-- b-list-group-variant.vue -->

Contextual variants also work with action items. Note the addition of the hover styling here not present in the previous example. Also supported is the active state; set it to indicate an active selection on a contextual list group item.

  <b-list-group-item href="#">Default list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item href="#" variant="primary">Primary list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item href="#" variant="secondary">Secondary list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item href="#" variant="success">Success list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item href="#" variant="danger">Danger list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item href="#" variant="warning">Warning list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item href="#" variant="info">Info list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item href="#" variant="light">Light list group item</b-list-group-item>
  <b-list-group-item href="#" variant="dark">Dark list group item</b-list-group-item>

<!-- b-list-group-variant-action.vue -->

Conveying meaning to assistive technologies

Using color to add meaning only provides a visual indication, which will not be conveyed to users of assistive technologies – such as screen readers. Ensure that information denoted by the color is either obvious from the content itself (e.g. the visible text), or is included through alternative means, such as additional text hidden using the .sr-only class.

With badges

Add badges to any list group item to show unread counts, activity, and more with the help of some flex utility classes.

  <b-list-group-item class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">
    Cras justo odio
    <b-badge variant="primary" pill>14</b-badge>

  <b-list-group-item class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">
    Dapibus ac facilisis in
    <b-badge variant="primary" pill>2</b-badge>

  <b-list-group-item class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">
    Morbi leo risus
    <b-badge variant="primary" pill>1</b-badge>

<!-- b-list-group-badges.vue -->

List groups inside cards

Incorporate list groups into cards. Use the <b-list-group> prop flush prop when using cards with no-body to make the sides of the list group flush with the card.

<b-card-group deck>
  <b-card header="Card with list group">
      <b-list-group-item href="#">Cras justo odio</b-list-group-item>
      <b-list-group-item href="#">Dapibus ac facilisis in</b-list-group-item>
      <b-list-group-item href="#">Vestibulum at eros</b-list-group-item>

    <p class="card-text mt-2">
      Quis magna Lorem anim amet ipsum do mollit sit cillum voluptate ex nulla tempor. Laborum
      consequat non elit enim exercitation cillum aliqua consequat id aliqua. Esse ex consectetur
      mollit voluptate est in duis laboris ad sit ipsum anim Lorem.

  <b-card no-body header="Card with flush list group">
    <b-list-group flush>
      <b-list-group-item href="#">Cras justo odio</b-list-group-item>
      <b-list-group-item href="#">Dapibus ac facilisis in</b-list-group-item>
      <b-list-group-item href="#">Vestibulum at eros</b-list-group-item>

      Quis magna Lorem anim amet ipsum do mollit sit cillum voluptate ex nulla tempor. Laborum
      consequat non elit enim exercitation cillum aliqua consequat id aliqua. Esse ex consectetur
      mollit voluptate est in duis laboris ad sit ipsum anim Lorem.

<!-- b-list-group-card.vue -->

Horizontal list groups

Set the prop horizontal to true to change the layout of list group items from vertical to horizontal across all breakpoints. Alternatively, set horizontal to a responsive breakpoint (sm, md, lg or xl) to make a list group horizontal starting at that breakpoint's min-width. Currently horizontal list groups cannot be combined with flush list groups.

ProTip: Want equal-width list group items when horizontal? Add the class flex-fill to each list group item.

Always horizontal:

  <b-list-group horizontal>
    <b-list-group-item>Cras justo odio</b-list-group-item>
    <b-list-group-item>Dapibus ac facilisis in</b-list-group-item>
    <b-list-group-item>Morbi leo risus</b-list-group-item>

<!-- b-list-group-horizontal.vue -->

Horizontal at breakpoint md and above:

  <b-list-group horizontal="md">
    <b-list-group-item>Cras justo odio</b-list-group-item>
    <b-list-group-item>Dapibus ac facilisis in</b-list-group-item>
    <b-list-group-item>Morbi leo risus</b-list-group-item>

<!-- b-list-group-horizontal-md.vue -->

Custom content

Add nearly any HTML or component within, even for linked list groups like the one below, with the help of flexbox utility classes.

  <b-list-group-item href="#" active class="flex-column align-items-start">
    <div class="d-flex w-100 justify-content-between">
      <h5 class="mb-1">List group item heading</h5>
      <small>3 days ago</small>

    <p class="mb-1">
      Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit.

    <small>Donec id elit non mi porta.</small>

  <b-list-group-item href="#" class="flex-column align-items-start">
    <div class="d-flex w-100 justify-content-between">
      <h5 class="mb-1">List group item heading</h5>
      <small class="text-muted">3 days ago</small>

    <p class="mb-1">
      Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit.

    <small class="text-muted">Donec id elit non mi porta.</small>

  <b-list-group-item href="#" disabled class="flex-column align-items-start">
    <div class="d-flex w-100 justify-content-between">
      <h5 class="mb-1">Disabled List group item</h5>
      <small class="text-muted">3 days ago</small>

    <p class="mb-1">
      Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit.

    <small class="text-muted">Donec id elit non mi porta.</small>

<!-- b-list-group-content.vue -->

Component reference


String'div'Specify the HTML tag to render instead of the default tag
BooleanfalseWhen set, renders a flush list group with no left and right borders
Boolean or StringfalseWhen set, renders the list-group horizontally rather than the default of vertical


Functional component


Property (Click to sort Ascending)TypeDefaultDescription
String'div'Specify the HTML tag to render instead of the default tag
BooleannullWhen set, give the item the appearance of having an action. Not needed when props 'to', 'href' or 'button' are used
BooleannullWhen true renders the list-group-item as a button element
StringApplies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the component
StringDenotes the target URL of the link for standard a links
StringnullSets the 'rel' attribute on the rendered link
String'_self'Sets the 'target' attribute on the rendered link
BooleanfalseWhen set to 'true', places the component in the active state with active styling
BooleanfalseWhen set to 'true', disables the component's functionality and places it in a disabled state
String or Objectrouter-link prop: Denotes the target route of the link. When clicked, the value of the to prop will be passed to router.push() internally, so the value can be either a string or a Location descriptor object
Booleanfalserouter-link prop: Setting append prop always appends the relative path to the current path
Booleanfalserouter-link prop: Setting the replace prop will call 'router.replace()' instead of 'router.push()' when clicked, so the navigation will not leave a history record
String or Array'click'router-link prop: Specify the event that triggers the link. In most cases you should leave this as the default
Stringrouter-link prop: Configure the active CSS class applied when the link is active. Typically you will want to set this to class name 'active'
Booleanfalserouter-link prop: The default active class matching behavior is inclusive match. Setting this prop forces the mode to exactly match the route
Stringrouter-link prop: Configure the active CSS class applied when the link is active with exact match. Typically you will want to set this to class name 'active'
String'a'router-link prop: Specify which tag to render, and it will still listen to click events for navigation. 'router-tag' translates to the tag prop on the final rendered router-link. Typically you should use the default value
Booleanfalsenuxt-link prop: To improve the responsiveness of your Nuxt.js applications, when the link will be displayed within the viewport, Nuxt.js will automatically prefetch the code splitted page. Setting 'no-prefetch' will disabled this feature for the specific link

<b-list-group-item> supports generating <router-link> or <nuxt-link> component (if using Nuxt.js). For more details on the router link (or nuxt link) specific props, see the Router support reference section.

Importing individual components

You can import individual components into your project via the following named exports:

ComponentNamed ExportImport Path


import { BListGroup } from 'bootstrap-vue'
Vue.component('b-list-group', BListGroup)

Importing as a Vue.js plugin

This plugin includes all of the above listed individual components. Plugins also include any component aliases.

Named ExportImport Path


import { ListGroupPlugin } from 'bootstrap-vue'